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The Stating Point

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My story with Revit began six years ago when I was pre-paring my final year project at university; I was lost as to what I need to do and the fear factor of running out of time increased my anxiety and panic. During that period there was a lot of talk about a new program that is causing quite a buzz in the world of engineering called Revit, initially I was slightly weary of how useful it will be for me and more importantly I kept wondering if I can learn how to use it within my graduation project’s time frame. The challenge was huge but I knew what was at stake, plus the more I read about Revit the more intrigued I become by it and I was determined to learn everything there is to know about revit and its exceptional advantages.It was a big risk but my passion and strong belief in the capability of revit led me to use it in my graduation project and in less than a month I was able to submit the completed project with everything fully coordinated (elevations, plans, sections, 3D sections, 3D plans ).

Until this day I have no idea how I would have ever finished my graduation project without revit – hence it is an essential aspect of my academic and working life.After graduation I started work at After graduation I started work at Signature – an engineering consultancy company – where I developed my expertise of Revit and where I also began my journey with BIM. I worked at Signature for two years and during that period I learn how to merge BIM in the design process and joining the Revit with Lumion and Max.

This helped me tremendously in saving time as an important part of being an architect is recognising the value of time and technology.

I become more curious about BIM and had the urge to divulge further into the world of BIM and so I changed my work location and became a BIM specialist at Kemet Corporation and I also spent a year working as Revit instructor and technical support al- though I did not really fully enjoy either as my passion is focused on the design stage but I gained a massive and valuable experience. When you are an instructor to any software you will benefit personally in a totally different manner to when you are a user regardless of how long because when you are an instructor you are able to understand how the program works and how you manipulate it to do what you want.

I had a strong feeling that this was not the end but only the start in my field and so I travelled to Dubai, UAE. My knowledge of BIM opened many opportunities for me to work at one of the biggest engineering company in the MENA region but I am continuously improving myself by learning new programs and dis- covering whatever is new and beneficial in my field. One must always strive to develop and follow the latest technological advances which will enable you to be at forefront of your field.

“My Advice to all the architecture students is to forget CAD, be updated, learn the following; Revit, 3D Max, Lumion 3D. Also be synchronised, you have to learn how to get Maximum result with minimum effort and minimum time”

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