DYNAMO | Computational Design for BIM

Design your own tools
Before we start the Dynamo & BIM revolution lets define what is Parametric Design: it is a process based on algorithmic thinking that enables the expression of parameters and rules that, together, define, encode and clarify the relationship between design intent anddesign response.
The Pros and Cons of Parametric Modeling
The benefits of this process are immediate. It is a huge leap in the quality of our process, since we are not bound by our tools anymore; now it will be us who design our own tools. On the other hand, parametric design is fundamental when minimizing the effort needed to create and test design variants. Generating an automated process eliminates tedious repetitive tasks. But, it hasn’t all been positive. The way that these constraints work is that they often have references that can work against each other.
I do belive that Design is a mix between Tools & Talent - Art & Science, at this time BIM is changing the AEC of how building are designed, created and managed. using Computational methods gives designers more power and ability to generate alot of design tasks. our brain can design 5-10 options while between each option you can create hundredes if not thousands of different options, i was always keen to learn Rhino & Grasshopper but after Dynamo i belive Revit & Dynamo will be perfect match.
Dynamo is an open source visual programming platform for designers.

Dynamo is a visual programming add-in for Autodesk Revit

Parametric Curtain Panel Pattern Based
Useful link to learn Dynamo
Dynamo is a visual programming add-in for Autodesk Revit and Vasari. These videos explore the nodes, systems, and interoperability workflows to integrate computational design capabilities into your Building Information Model.
What Can i do with Dynamo - Dynamo for Architects & Engineers
Dynamo Bridge Layout to Revit Structural Elements
Setting out geometry for a fancy pedestrian bridge from scratch in Dynamo. I will follow this up with clothing this in Revit structural framing, and flexing.