Emerging Mosquephobia | The Challenge of Designing Mosques in Western Context | Prof. Ali A.Alraouf
Prof. Ali A. Alraouf,
Head of Research and Development. Urban Planning Dept., Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME Qatar)
The 2nd annual Mosque Design and Development summit
Emerging Mosquephobia: The Challenge of Designing Mosques in Western Context
Designing mosques in the era of Islamophobia
The Predicament of Architecture, Multiculturalism and Islam
From exclusive to inclusive spatial composition of the mosque
Creative and innovative solutions for mosque design in the western contexts
Prof. Alraouf is an architect and urban planner interested in research and practice related to architectural, urban, sustainable design and holistic planning. He was a Visiting Scholar at University of California at Berkeley-USA. Alraouf has held permanent and visiting teaching and research positions at regional and international universities. He published more than 90 journal refereed papers, critical reviews, essays, in addition to books and book chapters. Alraouf’s current research interests are: Knowledge-based Urban Development, Post-Carbon Contemporary Gulf Cities, Museums in the Gulf, Urban vitalization of historical districts, Knowledge and Creative cities. He serves in editorial boards and acts as a reviewer for international journals and conferences. He delivered lectures and presentations in over 25 countries. He is the recipient of number of awards and was selected as member of 2012 Excel campaign at Qatar University. He is currently acts as Head of capacity building, training, research and development unit at Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME). He is also the leader of Green Urbanism and Planning Group at Qatar Green Building Council.